Can switching baby formula lead to diarrhea in babies?

Can switching baby formula lead to diarrhea in babies?

Feeding your baby is one of the most important things you'll do as a parent, and choosing the right formula can be daunting. With so many options on the market, it can be challenging to know where to begin. However, switching to European baby formula is a smart choice that many parents are making due to the pure ingredients and organic properties.

Why European Baby Formula?

There are many benefits to switching to European baby formula, such as:

  1. Higher standards of purity: European Union regulations are stricter than those in the US when it comes to ingredients, so European formulas are often purer and cleaner than their American counterparts.

  2. Organic and natural ingredients: Many European baby formulas are made with organic and natural ingredients, which can be easier for your baby to digest.

  3. Wide variety of stages: European baby formulas offer various stages, which are ideal for babies with different calorie needs or developmental stages. Switching between stages can be done without worry, as there is no need for gradual transitions, and diarrhea is unlikely to occur.

  4. Special requirement formulas: European baby formulas also offer sensitive, hypoallergenic, and goat milk-based formulas to address certain food intolerances or allergies, and they may alleviate health problems caused by your current formula.

Goat Milk-Based Formulas

If you suspect that your baby is lactose intolerant or has a milk-protein allergy, we recommend switching to one of our goat milk-based formulas. European goat milk-based formulas follow the same strict standards as all European baby formulas, and they have a tenth less lactose than cow's milk. Goat’s milk formula also has properties similar to breastmilk that act as a prebiotic to aid in digestion and ease symptoms of digestive troubles.

Hypoallergenic Formulas

For babies showing signs of reflux, gas, and excessive spit up on their current European baby formula, we have hypoallergenic formulas. Formulas such as HiPP HA Combiotic Hypoallergenic are easier on babies' tummies and help relieve many digestive troubles that come with immature digestive systems. HiPP HA uses hydrolyzed proteins, which split milk into simpler molecules, making it easier for babies’ bodies to process.

Yellow Watery Diarrhea in Babies: When Should You Worry?

Before you worry if your baby has diarrhea, please remember that baby poop is much different from adult poop. Feeding style, the addition of solid food, and age affect the overall color and consistency of baby poop. Diarrhea in babies is usually marked by sudden changes in stool. It will be more watery than usual and also more frequent. Dehydration is especially concerning when your baby has a severe case of diarrhea.

Changing Baby Formula

There is no need to gradually switch from one formula to another to prevent side effects such as diarrhea. You can change your baby from one stage of European baby formula to another stage or switch from one brand of cow’s milk-based formula to another without mixing the two or alternating between the old and new formulas. Chances of diarrhea in these cases should be minimal if any.


Switching to European baby formula is a great choice for parents who want the best for their little ones. With stricter regulations, organic and natural ingredients, a variety of stages, and sensitive formulas, European baby formulas are tailored to meet the developmental, digestive, and nutritional needs of your baby.

For infants experiencing digestion problems, including tummy troubles, deciding whether to switch baby formula or not can be a tough call. Fortunately, Happy Tummies has a team of knowledgeable moms who can assist you in answering any queries you may have. If you're seeking a community of parents, caregivers, and friends to discuss tummy issues, cope with a difficult day (and night), or simply share a good laugh, look no further.

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